The Countdown to Federal Court
I said buckle up and I meant it. Over the next 10 days you will see a lot of posts from me and a lot of video updates. In fact, there will be at least 10 written posts and 10 video updates addressing the written posts.
“Why the sudden concentration of posts?” You may ask. Well, thank you for asking.
On January 13th, our Federal Court case goes before a judge in a 90 minute hearing. Our lawyer will present our case, otherwise known as the truth. Then the Department of Justice lawyer will present a long list of lies and fraudulent claims cooked up by Ahmed Hussen and his merry band of minions, otherwise known as Immigration Canada. Then an unbiased and independent Federal Court Judge will decide whether or not to grant our appeal.
It is no secret that I have nothing good to say about Ahmed Hussen, the current Federal Government or the unfettered torture that they have inflicted on my family for the last decade.
I am going to launch my new mini series entitled “10 Things You Need to Know Before our Hearing.” I could list 100 things that will infuriate you and implicate Hussen but I only have 10 days so I will summarize.
This series has 2 very specific goals:
Goal #1 To make you, the Canadian public, aware of the absolute criminal behaviour that is taking place in our immigration system. To highlight political interference and personal bias that are driving immigration policy as well as practice. Simply put, to pull back the curtain and enrage you!
Goal #2 To drive some traffic to our GoFundMe page. We absolutely have to raise more money for this court case and we are running out of time. I hope that this series will motivate some to contribute and all to share.
So I will apologize in advance for the clutter on your news feed but it is GO TIME!
If Hussen was doing the right thing and following the rules, Widlene would have been in Canada for nearly 3 years. Instead, she had as assault weapon pointed at her just before Christmas. That is on Canada and all they did was motivate me to expose them.
So please watch for the posts. Please consider contributing. Please share. Please, DO NOT let this government get away with this! Enough is Enough!
To contribute, click below: